Limone sul Garda

Limone sul Garda

Limone sul Garda (BS)

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 According to legend, the god Benaco fell in love with the nymph Fillide, who later bore him twin sons Grineo and Limone. The father wanted his first son to become a fisher and the second a farmer. Since adolescence, however, both youths loved to go hunting on Mount Baldo. One day Limone was attacked and killed by a wild boar. Fillide desperately pleaded with her husband to bring her son back to life. Benaco therefore prepared an infusion with mysterious blue flowers and gave it to his son, who miraculously came to life. Promptly obeying his father, Limone went to live on the banks opposite Mount Baldo. He found a lovely inlet sheltered from the winds, and there he made his home and grew lemons, the fruit that was named after him.

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